This is what happens when you run out of gas.
Umbrella Tree says farewell with free HD concert film
On August 23rd, we celebrated the 7-year anniversary of our first show.We now announce, with introspection and cautious optimism, that Umbrella Tree is no more. So it goes. We part ways with a great surplus of love and mutual well-wishing.
As our final encore, we are now making available the complete, multi-camera, HD video from our album release show this past May. It is available HERE for free. Enjoy it. Pass it along. Remember us fondly, as we will remember you.
Finally, we must thank a considerable enclave of supporters. Thank you everyone who ever bought an album or came to a show or put us on a mixtape. Thank you all Kickstarter backers, everyone who made their own Umbrella Tree music videos, and those of you who choreographed dance pieces to our songs. Thank you to all the bands with whom we played. Thank you Christi Bissell, Matt Slocum, Richena Purnell, Matthew Beale, Chris Click, Adam Troxler, Jamie Bacon, Timbre Cierpke, Anna Fitzgerald, Tia Shearer , Jill Ann Raney, and Poly for performing on our records or with us live or doing sign language interpretation or some combination of these things. Thank you Jeremy Ferguson for everything you have ever done for us, and Jimmy Abegg for introducing us to Jeremy. Thank you Jim DeMain, Loney John Hutchins, Justin Boots Herlocker, Steve Mabee, and Al Willis for your work on our recordings. Most of the photographs we have ever used professionally were taken by either Ben Pearson or Sally LaFave; thank you pixels and pixels and pixels. Thank you Amy Smith, Jack and Heath Henley, Kip Kubin, and especially Dave Ogle for your help and work on our videos. Thank you Sandy Craven for your work and personal investment in the band. Thank you Sylvie, Ben Frank, Laura Baisden, and Rachel Gresham for your album and poster and t-shirt art and layout. Thank you Annalise Frank for introducing Zack to Derek, and Justin Spencer for introducing Zack & Derek to Jilly & Ryan. Thank you Stefaniah McGowan for jumping on board in the 11th hour; we wish we had met you 5 years ago. Thank you Kristin Pearson for being our beloved den mother from note one.
So that’s that. We had a great time with you. Enjoy the live video. We hope to remain on your turntables, virtual or actual, for many years.
Lovey dovey,
Zachary, Jillian, Derek, Ryan
Umbrella Tree
Josephine Music Video... Plus SHOW!
BIG RELEASE PARTY on Saturday, March 19th at Exit/In
Lookie here now! We've added another video to the YouTube Channel. It stars Jack Henley playing the infamous Napoleon Bonaparte and was directed and edited by Derek Pearson, of course. The song, Josephine, is a track from the newly released, To the Memory of a Once Great Man.
And speaking of releases, does anyone want to party with us? Well, that can be arranged. Because this upcoming Saturday we will be hosting a jamboree at Exit/In with Uncle Skeleton & Poly. Our freshly pressed vinyl record will be available along with other new additions at the merch table. Grab your very own fortune cookie and you'll get a chance to win prizes! Or you will at least get a lyric-related fortune to post on your fridge. Also, digital download cards will be $5... one night only!
So Please join us! You won't want to miss the horn and string ensemble that will be joining in on a few songs during our set. This will be our megasupertron show of the year!
And pregame with us that afternoon at Musician's Corner! There will be so many fesitivities going on, your heart will implode with joy.
Instore Release at Grimey's
Where will you be on April 17th at 6pm?
It's here! It's finally here! We are so eager to get this baby out, we've been screaming and pushing and doing our breathing exercises and finally the due date is near!
So come experience this miracle of a lifetime with us at Grimey's New and Preloved Music on Tuesday, April 17th at 6pm. We will be selling our freshly pressed vinyl record and giving away a limited supply of nicely printed posters (see left) designed by Jillian Leigh LaFave herself. You know you want one.
On the subject of posters, check out our online store. See something different? That's right. From now on, we'll be featuring a poster of the month. That means that during that month you can order that show's uniquely designed poster! We'll send a copy of your very own Umbrella Tree poster. There's even an option to get it signed!
Stay tuned for more news and get ready for our big release party at Exit/In on Saturday, May 19th.
New Management!
Stef Angel Music adds Umbrella Tree
Umbrella Tree is delighted to announce its affiliation with Los Angeles based management firm Stef Angel Music. We are very excited to start this new chapter! To quote a term from kabuki theatre... Matte mashita!
We Didn't Forget You, Kickstarters
New Vinyl on the Way to Your House
Darling Kickstarter backers, we have delicately wrapped your rewards and are sending them out this week. This means, you will have the record in your eager hands an entire month before our release in April. So, dust off that record player, because it is time.
For the rest of you, do not fret! We have scheduled an instore with Grimey's on Tuesday, April 17th and a release party at Exit/In on Saturday, May 19th. It may seem like a long wait, but we have spoken to Father Time and he has agreed to shake up that hourglass of his.
Watch "The Watcher"
New Video from New Album
Here is another installment in our Monthly Music Video Series. We love to take advantage of the fact that we have an editor in the band. Derek put up secret cameras while we recorded the album, To the Memory of a Once Great Man and then cut it up all pretty to one of our newest tracks, "The Watcher". Please, watch and enjoy.
Now Merch Can Be Bought Online - What!?!

New Store on Big Cartel
It has taken us six years to tame the magical beast that is the internet. Thanks to, we have an online store so anyone can get their grubby, little paws on our merchandise without having to attend a show or perform strange favors.
You will notice that the albums are on sale right now for way, way less than the purchase price on CDbaby or iTunes or Amazon. That's because we have a monopoly... and it's effin' Boardwalk and Park Place bitches.
FYI: The newest album, To The Memory of a Once Great man, will be released this Spring. So, keep your britches on.